It is better to do your own duty
badly, than to perfectly do
another’s; you are safe from harm
when you do what you should be doing.
— Bhagavad Gita, śloka 3.68

So grateful to be a student in an Iyengar lineage of Yoga that acknowledges and emphasizes and explores the therapeutic, healing power of alignment in yoga asana from the very first classes. One of the gifts of studying this method of yoga is coming to understand one’s strengths and weaknesses on all the levels of the kośas(sheathes or layers of being: muscular-skeletal, physiological/energetic, mental/emotional, intellectual) and then discovering the ability to learn and seek balance and eventually transcend duality through practice.

Starting the practice asking “what are the conditions of the body/breath/mind?” as Sri Prashant Iyengar says, gets us looking and questioning and seeing what needs to be done and addressed NOW given our present condition and situation.

Niralamba Halasana & Sarvangasana with double roll blanket below shoulders and single roll blanket supporting the mid-upper back skull.