“To err is human.’ Knowledge is infinite and eternal, but the human mind’s thoughts lie in the field of the finite. The infinite is hidden in the finite, and the finite is hidden in the infinite. In my sadhana I tried to explore finite within the infinite body.” From: “Core of the Yoga Sūtras” by B.K.S. Iyengar
Rājakapotāsana ~ king pigeon pose
“The work of art is born of the artist in a mysterious and secret way. From him it gains life and being. Nor is its existence casual and inconsequent, but it has a definite and purposeful strength, alike in its material and spiritual life. It exists and has power to create spiritual atmosphere; and from this inner standpoint one judges whether it is a good work of art or a bad one. If its “form” is bad it means that the form is too feeble in meaning to call forth corresponding vibrations of the soul… The artist is not only justified in using, but it is his duty to use only those forms which fulfill his own need… Such spiritual freedom is as necessary in art as it is in life.” —Kandinsky
“I have wrestled with the angel and I am stained with light and I have no shame. Neither do I have guilt. My responsibility is not to the ordinary, or the timely. My loyalty is to the inner vision, whenever and howsoever it may arrive. “ Mary Oliver .
This pose is not perfect. Within this form are the hundreds of attempts that have built toward it and developed the foundation of intelligence to come this far. If it came more easily with less effort instead of all these years of practice and training would that make this form appear better or worse or is that the wrong question entirely? I will tell you this. Today pursuing it there were discoveries. There was struggle and spaciousness. The āsana is the form for meditation, the object of contemplation. What is happening in that process of play, work and realization is the real art.