“the artist is none other than he who unlearns what he has learned in order to know himself.” —e. e. cummings

Variation of Dhanurāsana (bow pose)

Variation of Dhanurāsana (bow pose)

  - - “In the wholeheartedness of concentration, world and self begin to cohere. With that state comes an enlarging: of what may be known, what may be felt, what may be done.” -Jane Hirschfield - -

“Only ceaseless practice and endless striving for perfection engenders skill, understanding and wisdom and forms the subtle body of the ineffable which is art.” -Yogācārya B.K.S. Iyengar, Art of Yoga, 1985.

In Iyengar Yoga we explore our aspects of individuality  to train ourselves to prepare to experience the universal within (seeing beyond the confines of individuality), ultimately to serve as the instrument of that understanding.